Doctoral studentships in Media at University of Brighton

The School of Media at the University of Brighton is currently inviting applications for fully-funded doctoral studentships to join our PhD programme in Media (October 2017 start), embracing single-disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research in Digital Culture and Practice; Screen, Image and Visual Culture; and Sound and Spatial Practice.

We particularly welcome proposals in the following areas:

Digital Culture & Practice‘big data’, datafication and everyday life; emerging technologies and social change; locative media; online communities; activism, resistance and empowerment; intelligent/sustainable transport; feminist and inclusion oriented approaches to gaming cultures; podcasting; ethnography and everyday life; digital health; digital citizenship, policy and education; feminist, LBGT and queer theories, methodologies and practices; identities – ageing, disability, class, gender and sexuality.

Screen, Image & Visual Culture – film and philosophy; British TV/film production and representation; American media industries and Hollywood film; family and youth entertainment; Gothic and science fiction; photographic history and identity; artistic and documentary photography; photography and public memory; popular media culture –representation, identity, feminism and post-feminism; stardom and celebrity; visual research methods; visual climate and environmental communication.

Sound & Spatial Practice – sonic art; popular music studies; sound and mobility; experimental music; music in film and documentary; aesthetics; art and performance; inclusive arts; art and environment.

We particularly welcome applications that engage with communities, business, policy or the public and civil sectors.

Application process

Applications should be made to the Doctoral Centre in the College of Arts and Humanities which offers AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) funded studentships through TECHNE, a cross-university Doctoral Training Partnership. The Doctoral Centre is also able to award some University of Brighton funded studentships. Potential applicants are advised to identify a potential supervisor to work with in formulating their application, and to ensure that the ‘fit’ between the proposed project and the research context and environment at the University of Brighton is clearly articulated. 

Your application will go through a two-stage process, being considered first by the Doctoral Centre. The internal deadline for this is Monday 16th January 2017. The final TECHNE application deadline is Midnight, Sunday 29th January 2017. Application details here: http://arts.brighton.ac. uk/research/doctoral-centre-ar ts/studentships/techne-ahrc-st udentships

General enquiries about PhDs in Media can be made to Professor Julie Doyle (j.doyle@brighton.ac.uk).

For enquiries about ‘Sound and Spatial Practice’ please contact Conall Gleeson (C.Gleeson@brighton.ac.uk)

PhDs in Media: http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/stu dy/media-studies/phd-media



Stránka MedKult navazuje jmenovitě i obsahem na vrstevnaté štěpení kultury v různých prizmatech jejího zkoumání. Volně se proto zařazuje k termínům jako highcult, masscult, midcult, popcult a dalším, které slouží k pojmenování právě těchto kulturních vrstev. MedKult je platformou interdisciplinárního zkoumání napříč zejména dvěma obory, těmi jsou kulturální studia a mediální studia.

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