The 2018 Training School v Brně

Date: 18. – 21. 3. 2018

Venue: Mendel University of Brno, Czech Republic

COST Action IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in Western countries aims to enhance theoretical and empirical social science research on the gender and health impacts of policies aimed at extending the duration of working life in Westerm countries.

As a central part of its’ activities, the COST Action offers early career stage scholars (PhD +7 years) the opportunity to meet up with more experienced colleagues and stakeholders in order to exchange on their current and future research projects.

The 2018 Training School (TS) offers such an opportunity. It will take place at the Faculty of Business and Economics, located at Mendel University of Brno, in the Czech Republic. With a focus on “Issues and Methods for Policy Evaluation”, each of the trainers will focus on debates and examples that are relevant to the thematic areas of this COST Action (extending working-life, health, gender, employment, welfare states, etc.).

See here for further details on the Training School and the application process.



Stránka MedKult navazuje jmenovitě i obsahem na vrstevnaté štěpení kultury v různých prizmatech jejího zkoumání. Volně se proto zařazuje k termínům jako highcult, masscult, midcult, popcult a dalším, které slouží k pojmenování právě těchto kulturních vrstev. MedKult je platformou interdisciplinárního zkoumání napříč zejména dvěma obory, těmi jsou kulturální studia a mediální studia.

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