CFP: [ACS] Fifth International Congress on Cultural Studies – Gender, Human Rights and Activisms

The deadline for the submission of papers for the Fifth International Congress on Cultural Studies – Gender, Human Rights and Activisms has been extended until 30 November 2015. The call for papers can me found here.

From femicide to transphobia, from equal marriage to the adoption of children by same-sex couples and assisted reproduction, the recognition of gender identity of transgender people, the right to pleasure and free expression of affection – these are some of the topics that the Fifth International Congress on Cultural Studies aims at discussing, in an event which will gather academics and activists from 7-9 september 2016.
The objective is to host presentations of scientific papers, artistic works and experiences of activists in social movements, in order to think about theories and practices around these issues, seeking complementarities between scientific and activist practices, not to dilute the differences between them, but to find the possibilities to enrich each other, precisely because they are different.
The event will be held at the Department of Languages ​​and Cultures (DLC) of the University of Aveiro, in Portugal, and is organized by the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies UA/UM and the Irenne – Research, Prevention and Action against Violence and Exclusion.


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