Stuart Hall: Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices

FOTO: Representation: cultural representations and signifying practices

This broad-ranging text offers a comprehensive outline of how visual images, language and discourse work as `systems of representation‘.

Individual chapters explore: representation as a signifying practice in a rich diversity of social contexts and institutional sites; the use of photography in the construction of national identity and culture; other cultures in ethnographic museums; fantasies of the racialized `Other‘ in popular media, film and image; the construction of masculine identities in discourses of consumer culture and advertising; and the gendering of narratives in television soap operas.

Stuart Hall je jednou z hlavních osobností kulturálních studií. Jedna z jeho knih se tím pádem musela dostat na tento seznam. Zvolil jsem Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, ale stejně tak jsem mohl vybrat i další jeho knihy jako Questions of Cultural identity nebo Cultural studies: Two paradigms.

HALL, Stuart (ed.). Representation: cultural representations and signifying practices. London: SAGE Publications, 1997. Culture, media and identities. ISBN 0-7619-5432-5.



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