CFP: New Directions in Music Fan Studies

Special Issue Editors:
Dr. Koos Zwaan (Inholland University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands)
Dr. Mark Duffett (University of Chester, UK; author of Understanding Fandom)

Call for articles, to be published in 2016, addressing changes in
popular music fandom and the new approaches to methodologies that the
study of this subject requires.

Authors are encouraged to submit a 300-word abstract including
references, showing engagement with existing literature in both popular
music studies and fan studies, by 30 November to: koos.zwaan@inholland.nl

The submission deadline for articles is 27 February 2016. Please
register as an Author and submit online, and ensure you are a current
member of IASPM, the International Association for the Study of Popular

The full call for papers and submission details can be accessed and
downloaded via this link:

Please contact:
– Regarding the special issue, Dr Koos Zwaan: kooszwaan@inholland.nl
– Regarding /IASPM@Journal/ and its submission process, Prof Hillegonda
C Rietveld: editor@iaspmjournal.net



Stránka MedKult navazuje jmenovitě i obsahem na vrstevnaté štěpení kultury v různých prizmatech jejího zkoumání. Volně se proto zařazuje k termínům jako highcult, masscult, midcult, popcult a dalším, které slouží k pojmenování právě těchto kulturních vrstev. MedKult je platformou interdisciplinárního zkoumání napříč zejména dvěma obory, těmi jsou kulturální studia a mediální studia.

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