Working Paper Series Special Issue: Revisiting Audiences: Reception, Identity, Technology

The latest issue of Working Paper Series is now online. The issue contains contributions from the Otago Media, Film and Communication Early Career-Graduate conference, Revisiting Audiences: Reception, Identity, Technology.
Owain Gwynne – Editorial: Revisiting Audiences: Reception, Identity, Technology (pp. 1-5)
Dion McLeod & Travis Holland – The Ghost of J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Ur-Fan (pp. 1-20)
Edmund Smith – Superheroes and Shared Universes: How Fans and Auteurs Are Transforming the Hollywood Blockbuster (pp. 1-27)
Alison Bell – ‘Welcome to your ABC Starter Kit‘: Examining Entryway Paratexts in Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice (pp. 1-19)
Isabelle Delmotte – The influences of sonic sensory awareness in the production and consumption of screened nature documentaries (pp. 1-21)
Working Paper Series is the flagship publication of the Department of Media, Film and Communication and features refereed articles from visiting scholars including:
The site also hosts vodcasts of public lectures by Brendan Hokowhitu, Boots Riley, Joseph Pugliese, Susan Stryker and Jacinta Ruru.
The very first issue from the Media, Film and Communication Early Career-Graduate conference Environments, Spaces, and Transformations edited by Alex Thong and Maud Ceuterick is also available.


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