Státní úřad po jadernou bezpečnost a Státní ústav radiační ochrany v.v.i, Praha Vás zvou na odborný seminář dne 16.10.2017 NOVÉ VÝZVY V KRIZOVÉ KOMUNIKACI Snaha o vyhodnocení možného vlivu dezinformací šířených v případě radiační havárie na chování obyvatelstva PROGRAM 9.00… Continue Reading
Nabídka: CAMRI Policy Observatory Research Fellow
CAMRI Policy Observatory Research Fellow (Fixed Term – 9 months , Part Time – 0.8 fraction) Ref. 50048490 University of Westminster Salary: £31,602 (incl. L.W.A.) Department: Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design Location: Central London The University… Continue Reading
CFP: Desecrating Celebrity, Fourth International Celebrity Studies Conference
Wednesday 27th June to Friday 29th June 2018, at Sapienza University of Rome. Routledge, Celebrity Studies Journal, and Sapienza, University of Rome are pleased to announce the fourth International Celebrity Studies conference. Keynote Speakers: Lucy Bolton, Queen Mary, University of London Misha Kavka, University of Auckland… Continue Reading
Příležitost: Doctoral Programme in Communication, Media and Theatre at UTA, Finland
The Faculty also invites application for 10 salaried doctoral student positions in autumn 2017. Please note that you must apply for the study right with a separate application at the same time when applying for the salaried doctoral student position.… Continue Reading
CFP: „1968, Fifty Years of Struggles“
March 8-10, 2018 Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs, Middlebury, VT, USA Deadline: October 5, 2017 If the 1960s “changed modern history,” one year —1968—stands out. In this year antiimperialist and anti-establishment forces took to the streets of major cities around the… Continue Reading
Pozvánka: Open Seminar – Imagine Europe
The Participatory Communication Research (PCR) Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites you to its one-day open seminar titled „Imagine Europe“ on 19 Oct 2017 at The Old City Hall in Roskilde, Denmark, between 9… Continue Reading
CFP: Workshop ‚Changing memoryscapes: Social (re)construction of places of memory‘
Changing memoryscapes: Social (re)construction of places of memory 9-10 November 2017, Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb, Croatia The Centre for the study of Ethnicity, Citizenship and Migrations (CEDIM), University of Zagreb invite abstract submissions for a two day workshop in… Continue Reading
9th Annual International Conference 2–4 July, 2018 Auckland University of Technology, City Campus Auckland, New Zealand The Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (PopCAANZ) is devoted to the scholarly understanding of everyday cultures. It is concerned with the… Continue Reading
Konference: Heroism as a Global Phenomenon in Popular Culture
Programme Freiburg, Germany September 28-30, 2017 Thursday, September 28, 2017 From 14.00 Coffee, Registration at FRIAS Freiburg 15.00 Introduction 15.00 Barbara Korte (Freiburg) & Simon Wendt (Frankfurt a. M.): ‘Global and Popular Heroism’: Theoretical Concepts and Approaches Panel I: American… Continue Reading
13. Mezinárodní studentská vědecká konference AntropoWebu
Termín gender se aktuálně řadí mezi nejčastěji skloňované pojmy ve veřejném prostoru a jeho – ne vždy zcela relevantní a reflektované – užívání se stalo zcela běžnou součástí slovníku odborné i laické společnosti. Gender se tak postupně stává poměrně všeobjímající a poněkud těžko uchopitelnou kategorií,… Continue Reading